Your Best Is Yet To Come

Become your best self, living your best life
after narcissistic abuse

Cinderella’s real name was Ella.

Ella was used and abused by her wicked Stepmother and Stepsisters. They renamed her “Cinder”-ella to let her know how dirty and unimportant she was in their eyes.

They sought to destroy her true identity as a treasured beauty, the heir to the estate, member of the Royal Court, and an irreplacable part of the family. She deserved dignity and respect but received only scorn.

Ella’s days were an endless cycle of working tirelessly to meet the needs of others, while accepting that her own needs were totally irrelevant.

She felt trapped in her situation. Any attempt to assert herself, no matter how gently, resulted in retaliation intended to keep her in her place and under the controlling grip of her Stepmother.

Ella felt unseen, unimportant, and utterly isolated.

In spite of all the abuse she endured for years, inside Ella still had a kind and beautiful soul.

Sound familiar?

The Stepmother and Stepsisters in the story were malignant narcissistic villans who enjoyed causing pain and hardship.

Lacking any shred of empathy and viewing themselves as superior, they gleefully piled on the abuse, repeatedly breaking Ella’s heart and destroying what was precious to her.

In the story Ella had a secret Fairy Godmother who saw who she really was, turning her ragged clothes into a beautiful ballgown that brought Ella’s beauty to light.

She made a path for Ella to step into a whole new and beautiful life.

In real life, you have something better than a Fairy Godmother.

You have Holy Spirit’s wonder working power swirling in and around you to heal, reveal, and transform who you truly are. He makes a way when there seems to be no way and points you to a new path.

At the Royal Ball, Ella met her handsome Prince who was immediately captivated and invited her to dance. As they twirled around the floor and walked together the Prince fell head over heels in love with her.

He saw the real Ella and went to great lengths to pursue her. In spite of the wicked Stepmother’s attempts to keep Ella locked away from the life intended for her, the Prince found her.

Jesus is your handsome Prince who sees the real treasure you are.

He’s already head over heels in love with you and wants you to dance with Him every day. His heart’s desire is to delight in you as his Princess, the beauty of His realm, living “happily ever after” together.

I’ve lived Cinderella’s story too.

My ragged clothes have been transformed into lovely ballgowns and I get to enjoy dancing in the Kingdom and having wonderful adventures.

Your story doesn’t end where you are.

It’s time to create the next chapter of your beautiful story!