You found yourself caught up in a narcissistic relationship that took a serious toll on your heart. You’re not alone in that experience. Literally thousands of women woke up to that reality too.
But YOU found the courage and strength to break free of it, so congratulations for taking that bold step of freedom for yourself!
Here’s the problem though – just because you’re physically no longer in the presence of that draining, exasperating, even malignantly toxic individual doesn’t mean you’re free and clear of the mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual impact on you.
The hidden effects of narcissistic abuse can follow you for a long, long time, draining your energy, causing you to second guess yourself, shrink back from other relationships, struggle to achieve important goals, and even interfere in your relationship with the Lord!
Ready to start on a new path of healing, wholeness, beauty, creativity, zest for life, and success in relationships and business?
Join us for this powerful 2 hour live online Workshop!
During the instructional time and virtual breakout groups we’ll work together to accomplish these objectives:
- Recognize traits of different types of narcissists, their motivating factors, and how to protect yourself from harm.
- Understand how being connected with a narcissist impacts you spiritually.
- Create an action plan to incrementally overcome lingering effects of a past narc encounter.
- Start experiencing healing even during the workshop.

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Get the downloadable
Narc Encounter Spectrum Full Guide
($15 value)