Your Best Is Yet To Come

Repair Your Heart

Comfy Conversations Interview – 5 Ways To Help Your Loved One or Friend Suffering From Depression

We want to supprt loved ones who struggle with depression, but we don’t really know help.

We’re not sure how to help with anything other than surface suggestions that often make things worse.

Join Annette with guest Dave Wernli on Comfy Conversations as we discuss this important topic.

Dave shares 2 Do’s and 2 Don’ts for individuals, plus 1 thing churches can do that will make a big difference.

Because if you can’t go to the people of God when you’re in crisis, where can you go?

View this interview for free, exclusively in the Beautiful Life Virtual Cafe.

If you’re not already a member, create your FREE membership profile and get immediate access at this link.

Don’t miss the additional helpful training resource Dave is providing as a gift to Beautiful Life Virtual Academy members.
