What will you learn?

  • A framework to make sense of the spectrum of narcissistic behavior and motivations of 3 categories of narcissists. Light bulbs will pop as you gain understanding of why they do what they do
  • Signposts to help you recognize where the line was crossed between potentially resolvable issues to unresolvable, destructive narcissism.
  • Key traits and patterns of 10 different types of narcissists over 3 categories.
  • Christian perspective that affirms, protects, and empowers you instead of trapping you in unbiblical assumptions.
  • Important issues you need to consider as you move forward to prevent you from being stuck as the "walking wounded" even years later.

Complimentary On-Demand Masterclass

You'll be amazed what you learn and how much better you'll feel after walking through the step-by-step video Masterclass.

* Tip: Don't miss the gift waiting for you at the end!

"This Masterclass helped me so much. It changed my whole perspective. You did a great job helping me understand without feeling foolish. I've been the walking wounded for too long trying to power through like you talked about. I'm going to follow your suggestions." K.S.

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